Creating Professional Images for Individual, Group and Corporate Clients from CA to MA
It’s All About You!
Chuck became interested in photography during a UC Berkeley summer school course in 1978 and has taken more than 150 interactive classes taught by the world's best professional Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom instructors. While he has spent time photographing events and portraits as well as inland mountains, deserts, lakes and rivers, he also spends a lot of time photographing on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans from sailboats.
As a U.S. Coast Guard licensed captain, Chuck has been at the helm and in charge of cruising sailboats for multi-day photography workshops at the Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. He is also available to facilitate workshops or take photographs along the coasts of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket where he has sailed extensively.
Artistic Vision
While Chuck appreciates the endless artistic and technical skills required of the best photographers with camera equipment and in the digital darkroom, he is more compelled by the feeling one experiences when looking at an image that evokes the same sensation it was intended to convey each time it is viewed.
It’s About Art
“Art removes the soul and dust from everyday life” – Picasso
It’s About Life
“Compared with hunting, photographers line up and take their shot but, instead of hanging up what they killed, they hang up what they gave life to” – John Mayer
It’s About Photography
“Amateurs worry about equipment, professionals worry about money, masters worry about light, I just take pictures” – Vernon Trent